Critter Lit

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Kelsey skea

Interview with Debut Author Anitra Rowe Schulte

Authors, debut interview, publishing, InterviewsLindsay Ward7 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Can you believe we’ve made it to December?! Today we have an interview with debut picture book author Anitra Rowe Schulte, who I’m thrilled to be featuring on Critter Lit! Not only is she a fellow Two Lions author who I share an editor with, but her debut picture book has received glowing and starred reviews and was just named a best book of 2021 by Kirkus Reviews. So exciting! Anitra’s book, DANCING WITH DADDY, illustrated by Ziyue Chen, is a truly spectacular debut and one that is not to be missed!

So without further ado, please welcome Anitra Rowe Schulte!

Where do you live?

I live in Geneva, Illinois, which is 30 miles west of Chicago, where suburbia ends and pumpkin patches begin.

When did you know you wanted to write picture books?

When I was in kindergarten, I joined my first writer’s group at my local elementary school. At the Young Authors Club, I worked on developing ideas and turning them into picture books. I was hooked! There were lots of clues along the way, leading me back to this first love, but I really started working on my craft seriously about five years ago, in 2016.

Tell us about your road to publication, what did that involve for you?

My road to publication was a little windy at first. As I was learning the craft, I played around and experimented a lot. But the stories that always seemed to connect most with others were those inspired by emotions and experiences that I lived through first-hand. I met my agent, Stephanie Hansen, at a live pitch session in 2017. The story that I pitched her that day never sold, but it jumpstarted a wonderful relationship. After a kidlit author friend suggested that I lean into telling my family’s story, I gave that a go and found it to be so natural and powerful! My debut, DANCING WITH DADDY, illustrated by Ziyue Chen, is very much based on my family life. That story went on submission in 2018 and sold within a couple of months. I cannot say enough good things about my editor, Kelsey Skea, and the Two Lions team! The entire experience has been a total dream come true.

Can you share a bit about your process?

For me, a new idea usually arrives unexpectedly, like a colorful string just outside my door. I pick it up and twirl it around a bit, to see what it wants to be. Then, with an idea in my mind, I start pulling that string. I pull and pull and loop and weave until something starts to take shape. I will not stop until I run out of string or hit a nasty snag. Most of the time, I’m writing at my kitchen table. But if the string is still coming while I’m out driving my daughters to therapy or soccer or piano, I will not hesitate to write in parking garages, parking lots or someone’s driveway. My laptop never leaves my side! 

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I am in three critique groups, and one of the things that keeps me from getting stuck is sharing stories with these three groups in separate waves. I send my first polished draft to one group. When the story is a little further along, I’ll send it to the second group. When it’s close to polished and final, I’ll send it to the third group. That way, I’m always inching a story forward, toward becoming the best story it can be, but also getting fresh eyes at every step along the way. 

I get a lot of new ideas from my three daughters and from tuning into the things that I love and make me tick. I also received great advice at a writing conference once: To think of something that you really want to impart or share with someone in your life. I’ve found that concepts conceived in this way have a built-in audience and point of view and an emotional clarity that never wavers – a true north.

Anything you can’t live without while you write?

Black coffee or green tea and peanut butter spoons topped with mini M&Ms. If you’ve never tried this, I warn you: It’s life changing and dangerously good. 

Any authors and/or illustrators who inspire you?

So many! I love picture books by Margarita Engle, Kelly DiPucchio, Pat Zietlow Miller, and Kelly Starling Lyons. They always choose the perfect and most-poignant words and grab hold of your heart. I also love everything that illustrators Marla Frazee, Cindy Derby, Corinna Luyken, and Sophie Blackall create. 

Dream project to work on?

There is a middle grade story inside me, about small-town life, sister bonds, and magical circumstances that I keep noodling. I’d love to figure that story out. There is so much I want to say about what it’s like growing up with big dreams, hungry for an artistic outlet, all the while wrestling with a love + disdain for the isolating endless rows of corn and soybeans. It keeps swirling in the grain bins of my mind. Someday…  

Tell us about your debut book.

When my husband Dan was about to take our three girls to a father-daughter dance, I started imagining what the night would be like. The story that resulted was DANCING WITH DADDY. The main character of the story is inspired by my oldest daughter, who has a chromosome deletion (4p-), which is called Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. After years of checking out library books, and not finding any PBs with characters that reminded me of our family, I decided to write something that I wanted to see on the shelves. Here’s the story summary:

Elsie can’t wait to go to her first father-daughter dance. She picked out the perfect dress and has been practicing swirling and swaying in her wheelchair. Elsie’s heart pirouettes as she prepares for her special night. With gestures, smiles, and words from a book filled with pictures, she shares her excitement with her family. But when a winter storm comes, she wonders if she’ll get the chance to spin and dance her way to a dream come true.

Interior Art from DANCING WITH DADDY by Anitra Rowe Schulte, Illustrated by Ziyue Chen, published by Two Lions

Interior Art from DANCING WITH DADDY by Anitra Rowe Schulte, Illustrated by Ziyue Chen, published by Two Lions

Interior Art from DANCING WITH DADDY by Anitra Rowe Schulte, Illustrated by Ziyue Chen, published by Two Lions

What’s up next for you?

My second picture book, WILLOW AND BUNNY, illustrated by Christopher Denise, will be released in Fall 2022. I’ve seen sketches and a few pieces of final art, and it is jaw-droppingly gorgeous. Christopher captures the mood with such gravity and tenderness. WILLOW AND BUNNY, a story about a small bunny and a protective willow tree, is inspired by the scary moments that thrust people under the same canopy, and how difficult it can be to find light on the other side of devastation. With friendship, love and courage, we can make it through tough times – it’s a message that I really wanted to convey to my children, and I hope other readers feel it in their hearts, as well. 

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

This is a real toss up – it’s gotta be either Muppets Take Manhattan or Footloose. I’ve watched each of them at least 50 times. I’ve always been a real Kermit lover (he was on my 4-year-old birthday cake), and I love all the over-the-top characters and dance numbers. This probably why I also love Footloose. Plus Kevin Bacon.

Huge thank you to Anitra for stopping by Critter Lit! Congrats on your fantastic debut! We can’t wait for WILLOW AND BUNNY!

Anitra Rowe Schulte is a children’s book writer, whose picture book debut DANCING WITH DADDY, illustrated by Ziyue Chen (Two Lions) publishes on Dec. 1, 2021. Her second picture book WILLOW AND BUNNY, illustrated by Christopher Denise (Two Lions) is set for Fall 2022. Anitra is a proud member of the 2021 debut group PB Debut Troupe 21 and the upcoming group PB Tales of 2022. Anitra is represented by Stephanie Hansen of Metamorphosis Literary Agency. She lives in Geneva, Illinois, with her husband, three daughters, and super-sweet kitty Pancake. Anitra is an active member of SCBWI and 12x12 and a 2021 PBChat mentor.

FOR MORE INFORMATION visit Anitra online at or follow her on social media:

Twitter: @anitraschulte

Instagram: @anitraroweschulte

BUY THIS BOOK To order Anitra’s book, click here.

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